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Loop (312) 782-8862

River North (312) 274-3333

Have you experienced pain and sensitivity when trying to drink a cold beverage or eat hot soup? If so, you’re not alone! In fact, 57% of the population deals with this same issue. However, the cause of your dental sensitivity could vary. Ultimately, it is in your best interest to schedule your next dentist appointment right away when experiencing dental sensitivity, as this will help you to rule out any more serious oral health problems. To give you a sense of what could be causing the issue, however, read on to see if you fall into any of the following categories.

1. Your diet could be corroding your teeth.

Do you eat a lot of citrus fruits? Is your diet high in sugar? If so, your diet could possibly be the culprit for your sensitive teeth. Foods that are highly acidic—such as citrus fruits, coffee, tomato sauce, and even soy sauce— can corrode your dental enamel. Sugary foods can also be the problem, as they feed the bacteria in plaque and cause them to release acids onto the surface of your teeth. Ultimately, these foods wear away your dental enamel and cause dental sensitivity.

2. You brush your teeth too vigorously.

When it comes to brushing your teeth, there can definitely be too much of a good thing. If you brush too hard or too often, you could be wearing away your dental enamel, causing pain and sensitivity. Over-brushing can also cause your gums to recede, exposing your dental root and causing your tooth to be hypersensitive to heat or cold. Try brushing lightly with a soft-bristled toothbrush just twice a day to prevent this issue from worsening, then schedule an appointment with your dentist to discuss your symptoms.

3. You use at-home whitening products.

Did you know that many at-home whitening solutions contain hydrogen peroxide? This ingredient can often cause dental sensitivity. If you’ve found that your teeth have been particularly sensitive since you began this bleaching treatment, we recommend that you discontinue this element of your routine. Speak with your dentist about our professional whitening treatments, as well as other ways you can whiten your teeth without these at-home products.

4. You could have an underlying oral health issue.

Unfortunately, there are a number of oral health issues that could be causing dental sensitivity. You could potentially have a broken tooth, tooth decay, or even a broken restoration (such as a cracked filling). Another possible cause of your hypersensitivity is periodontal disease (also known as gum disease). Any of these issues should be addressed immediately. Therefore, we recommend that you schedule your appointment with the dentist as soon as possible.

To help give you relief from your sensitive teeth, call Downtown Dental in the Loop to schedule your next appointment!